Thursday 1 November 2012

Annual Film Festival Kick Starts in SAU

In Octolentium: The Eight Lenses - Annual Film Festival First Edition

‘In Octolentium: The Eight Lenses’ is an exclusive forum – sowed in early-2012 by the Department of International Relations – which aims to bind cinema enthusiasts from the South Asian University (SAU) under a common roof. With immense pleasure and pride, we announce that our mutual zest for films has blossomed into the First Annual In Octolentium Film Festival (2012).

While man strives to perch atop his carefully chiseled mountain of ideals, his inherent instinct to settle disputes through all-out confrontations eclipses his virtues and prudence alike, to dismally portray him as perhaps the most hostile being of this planet. Wars may give a few men what they seek, but deprive countless counterparts of what they had toiled to earn: from respect to respite.  
In a sub-continent that has witnessed its share of battle-ravaging, an initiative such as that of the South Asian University (SAU) can only be seen as a dove of fraternity and peace. Thus the students of SAU under its embracing wings, took to depict the psycho-cultural creations and consequences of war, that go on to impinge upon man’s very existence, through the lens of cinema. 

The film festival, lasting two days, shall focus on the subject of how ‘the Many Facets and Ramifications of War’ take a toll on all humans alike. We cordially invite all interested to be a part of the event and encourage us to carry forth the torch for years to come.

Venue: FSI Hall, Akbar Bhawan, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi

Here is a trailer of the opening film: NO MAN'S LAND